Who doesn’t love a Friday? And I mean the real definition of a Friday, the last day of work before you get to take a few days off… I do. I especially love the first Friday after returning back to school after a two week vacation. Monday was rough, Tuesday exhausting, Wednesday was whiny, Thursday had actual children falling asleep and crying from exhaustion in the classroom but today was pretty normal. Maybe they went to bed on time last night? Crashed out early? I don’t know. It was a pretty epic week, though.
{I’m not sure what dri-fit is, but I sent this to Bradley- true for this girl! I can’t seem to get enough entries for races right now!}
Why was it epic? Well, I went from 198 on 12/26 (or thereabouts) to 202 on 1/1. I really wasn’t terribly happy about that, so last week I hit the gym and steps pretty hard to get a jump on the calorie burn. It also happened to be shark week* this week so a little bloat was in order to add to the holiday pudge. Today I hopped on the scale to the tune of 197! So, since 1/1. I’ve lost five pounds! Not a bad start for 2016!
I’m feeling all proud and stuff today because I actually ran. Until last Sunday, I was solid in the exercise department, then Monday happened, then Tuesday, and, well, four days later, here we are. I really didn’t have a reasonable reason not to run today and the sun was shining. On my way home it just felt like a run day so I decided it was a run day, and no matter what, when I got home, I was running! I got home, donned my running clothes and hit the street while the sun was still out. It was rapidly sinking, but even so, I couldn’t stop running. I planned on one mile, en the next block, then I decided to just go for it and ran one of our bigger loops of 2.3 miles. I know it’s not the furthest distance ever, but it’s been a week, the air was murky and I just wanted to stretch my legs. It felt really good, even if my lungs did burn. 🙂
{My Garmin lets me know when I’ve met my step goal for the day by vibrating, flashing fireworks and flashing my celebratory GOAL! You’d be surprised at how motivating it is when I feel it buzz and see that word! Today it happened on my run. 🙂}
Lastly, it was epic because I had my teacher evaluation this week. We have one a year, and I was just fine having it the week we came back, until the week happened. Oh- my students were great! I was the weirdo. On Saturday I prepped myself, on Wednesday I wrote about my lesson and then I just fussed with it. Tweaked this, that, rethought this, that. I was in a constant state of revision which meant I was in a constant state of stress. It was annoying. I’m a good teacher and my principal is a fair evaluator. Why do I get all worked up? I’m sure you can imagine my relief when it was over at 11:20 today and I could go back to being plain, old, boring Mrs. L who is not worried about anything glaring.
Now I’m gonna go hang with my true loves. Two whole days with my people- I can’t wait!
*shark week, in my house, is code for Aunt Flo, period. It’s just not safe for me to go in shark infested waters, and you never know if I might be the shark with my mood. Watch out!
Shark week! Hahahaha! That’s awesome! I am totally feeling you! My sisters and I refer to that time of the month as “reaper time”. We were just exchanging text messages about watching out for the reaper (we fear the reaper!). When my niece was first attacked by the reaper I left a chocolate cupcake with a drawing of the reaper saying, “Welcome.” I sprinkled it with Pamprin on top! Congrats on running despite it being Shark Week!