Family Run


My son was gone this evening and when we asked, my daughter was up for a night run! I chased these two round the hood after dinner tonight. My muscles hurt all day so I let the weights go for the evening and instead am hunkering down to watch very important things on Netflix.


Five days till the last day- school days, that is. There’s a weekend in there too. Have I finished report cards? Nope. Is my classroom summer ready? Getting there. Am I having a blast with my student- the sweetest class evah? YES! I’m in denial. The last day? what is “last day”? I’m going to miss these kiddos. It’s been a good year.
That said… I’m clean tuckered. So tired.
It is warrior week and I seem to be gaining. Not gaining for real- just 2-3 pounds of water just chilling on my frame. Bradley has the same thing going on. So irritating. When I look at our diet it is not a calorie issue. It is a salt issue. I think that I need to lay off the soda again, be more mindful of eating crackers and stuff like that. I start to get lazy sometimes and start substituting empty carbs for solid, healthy fruits and veggies that have the same caloric value. I need to be thinking about more than calories- this is how I start slipping into bad choices and plus sized clothing. I know I feel good when I’m eating as clean as possible. I’m recommitting to that right NOW.
Despite the tiredness and salty choices, I’m still keeping moving. I really didn’t want to run tonight, but I did. Not far, just a mile and a half to show my body who is boss (that would be my brain, if you were wondering). So far this week I’m at 4 miles, not bad. Plus I’ve done one round of weights, and guess what I’m about to do as soon as I post this? Yup.
Last night I was so pleased with myself after I did the weights routine. When I’m a good kid and control myself I end the day with such a complete sense of satisfaction. That’s what exercise does for me lately. I just need to remember that when I’m making my healthy food choices as well.
Cheers for a successful day tomorrow!


Remember yesterday when I did that cross training thing like they do on The Biggest Loser? A small reminder:

I did it over and over yesterday. It didn’t seem like a big deal – at all. Like, I kept doing it over and over and over for the purpose of pictures while Bradley kept asking if I was feeling it. Feeling what? Nothing. That’s what.
Silly, arrogant woman! I tell you what- I felt it today. All. Day. Long.
My ribs hurt, my back hurt, my thighs hurt. I kept stretching my arms wide and far trying to alleviate the tightness. It feels good though.
Tonight I didn’t run. I decided yesterday to get all fancy schmancy with some super fabulous dance moves and threw out my hip. I was a little sore and needed a rest, but this sealed the deal. I’m taking a day or two off of running.
This event prompted some super motivating weight work tonight! I tightened, lifted, crunched and even tried to lunge this evening. Lunging was a bad idea. My knees sounded like they were actively exploding popcorn from them. I stopped lunging and focused instead on positioning myself like a seal with my belly on the floor and my legs and head raised, clenching my butt over and over in a small variety of variances with my legs bouncing in the air. About halfway through my body started to ache a little. 25 minutes into the workout I was burning. But the end of my workout I crawled into bed like a limp rag. You ever have one of those workouts where you by the end of it you’re already sore? (Me either, I’m new to this). This was one of those workouts. I’ll be feeling it tomorrow. I’m feeling it now! I will attempt to relish it!

Mind the Gap

We headed to the track this morning. My daughter has made a goal to run at least two miles every week through the summer. Right now that means she runs once a week down at the track where she also plays parkour and practices her award winning jumps. Today we had the added bonuses of:
A. My son ran a half mile! That is two times around the track for my five year old! I was so proud of his active little body and his positive attitude.
B. The track equipment was left out on the field. We took advantage of the opportunity to jump around on the big mats and do the knee lifting running thing that is in the picture. Clearly I am new to track and field, and truly, to exercise in general, since I have no idea what those things are called. Anyhow, if you want to work out your hips and abs, you have your exercise. Wow! I did it several times and have many many hilarious pictures and the sore muscles to prove it! Ha ha!

I’m going to direct your attention to my thighs. I know, weird, right? Look at my thighs! How often have I EVER asked for people to check out my thighs?! Anyhow, do you see that white line? That’s light, my babies. Light shines betwixt my thighs! I can’t even remember when that has ever happened in my entire life. Maybe when I was nine… Pre-puberty, if ever. Anyhow, you should be happy that I figured out spandex covered thighs would show the progress. I seriously look pictures of myself in my underwear and considered sharing those. Somehow that just seemed… Wrong? Ha ha!
Lastly, like I said, I’m obsessed with the before and after picture sets… Yesterday when the hubs took that picture of my rear end I just had to make one of my before-during-present comparisons. At first I thought I was never ever going to post it, but then I realized from the get-go my mission on this website has been to track the whole project. It was to journal and talk about all of my celebrations and struggles. This is a place where I get to be self centered and booty dance whenever I want. So here is my backside- through the years. Woot!

2008- 10/2012- 6/2013
Now I’m off to get my weight work on! Consistency!
(Ran 2.25 miles this morning)


Bradley and I went for the BEST run this morning. We went on the giant loop, but instead of turning where I turned last time, we turned on a different street and tried exploring our neighborhood a little to find a different route. It was fun for a few reasons:
1. The spirit of adventure was present this morning. I’m a creature of habit and like to run the same runs over and over and over. So today, we ran farther from the house. So far, we could have run into the QFC, bought a coffee and we could have headed back home. Back in the day, that is exactly how we would spend our time. We were poor college students or house poor or baby poor for many many years. Our entertainment has been walking the woods, trails and neighborhoods offered for free for years. We find a new road and head down together with a grin, curious about what will be over the next rise. It felt like THAT.
2. The run felt GOOD. My oxygen exchange was even and I wasn’t out of breath for most of it, my muscles felt solid, I wasn’t tired feeling. I kept saying how much I was enjoying the run for almost the entire way. I really was!
3. I have gotten over my concerns about holding Bradley back with my slower pace. It occurred to me that he wants to be with me ALL OF THE TIME anyhow, why would my slower pace discourage him from coming along with me? So today? I stared at his butt as he ran ahead of me and chased it. It was a great motivator. Meow.
4. My husband took the above picture when I got grumpy because my Strava got turned off after running for 4 seconds. It makes me mad when Strava messes up (Strava is the app I use to track my runs- I welcome you to join Strava and follow me!) because I lose my pacing and don’t know how far I’ve run exactly. When I get grumpy while running my pace quickens, so I passed my darling man and he started commenting on how, really, this is the view he should be chasing all the time and stuff like that. There’s even video. It was funny, made me laugh, and of course, I like the attention and confirmation that my butt is getting better! LOL!
5. We used Siri on Bradley’s iPhone to get us home. We would be running along and she’d say, “Turn right at the next street,” because we really didn’t know where we were at. It was kind of fun to not think and just let Siri work the brains while I worked the brawn.
It was a really fun run!
A few days ago I posted a picture of my arm. I was surprised to see it looking so slender and I really want to puff it up a little with some muscle now. I’m not talking getting all sinewy and tawny like Madonna or anything (who looks amazing but I’m not that motivated), but some tone could be nice. I also have dreams of rocking thick thighs and a bootylicious behind that has curves (When slender, I have a flat 80’s butt. Perhaps it was the 80’s jeans… Regardless, I’m going to try exercise to make it not a flat rear this time).
None of this is going to happen unless I get better about – more consistent with – working my weights! There will be nothing even close to a round butt unless I start lunging, my six pack will stay a two liter unless I keep crunching and my guns will continue to pew pew BB’s without weight work! At this point I’m lucky if I hit any of those more than once a week. I’ve been taking it pretty easy on myself during the last few weeks. I made goals, didn’t meet them and easily forgave myself. I was way too easy on myself. And I continue to be too easy on myself. I have all kinds of excuses about being busy, being tired, missing my kids, it’s hot, my bra is in the wash… Some excuses are solid and true, but some are just convenient. I’m sure you can see the difference. I do great with running consistently, now I just need to put the same energy into my muscle building and toning.
Just so you know, I am not even trying to become a she-hulk. The six pack is mostly a metaphor, so you get the idea of the area I’m hoping to work on. My goal is just to be fit and have a body that, if I choose to do plastic surgery eventually, is worth spending money on. If I choose to forgo surgery, I want to feel confident with myself. Like, I just don’t want to be an emaciated, atrophied former chubby girl who brought all of her health problems to her sleek new body. I want a healthy body, in looks and function. Flab is ok. Stretch marks are ok. Sag is ok. Weak muscles and inconsistency are not.
So this week my goal is to be consistent, hold myself to my muscle workout goals and get those arms building, tummy strengthening and booty rising!
Oh- check this out:

I cropped my feet out. I seriously need to get a pedicure! That aside- that number! 232.6! Woohoo! 2.6 away from the 20’s. Aah-may-zing!!
Goal this week: 12 miles
Miles ran: 12.5
Muscles? Meh. I did stomach once. Lol!
Miles: 10
Muscles: work each zone three times


Today was a summer test. How will it go if I wait until the evening to run in the summer? The answer? Not good. It will go sloooowww. It will be sweaty. It will make me want to dry heave. It will make me want to run very early in the morning. Good to know. Now I have a plan for the summer heat!
Not that I’m complaining AT ALL. we are having splendid weather. I noticed today at my school’s musical all of our kids look healthy and like they’ve recently vacationed in Mexico or Hawaii. A testament to spending lots of time outside. It has been wonderful!
In other news, it is officially the weightloss warrior weeks (WW Weeks are the 2.5 weeks from day one of my cycle. I seem to lose really well during this time and not so well at others). I’m shedding poundage again. My last lowest was 234.8 and that’s what I weighed in at today! Woohoo! That means the PMS water weight is receding and I can get some serious work done now. 220’s, here I come. AMAZEBALLS.
Check this craziness out:

Yup, that’s my arm serving up some yummy indian food last night. I get all weirded out about jiggly arm fat and have been proud of how I’ve been working through this ‘issue’ of dangling skin. Then I saw this picture and had to reassess my body image. That arm looks plenty small. In fact, it looks like it might be on the side of stick arms coming out of big body look… I decided to fill them up a bit with muscle. So that’s a goal now- better toned arms. But seriously- those arms! 🙂


Today marks 14 years of the best life I could ever imagine. Here’s to many many more healthy and happy years ahead!
My true love marked the day with the prettiest handmade card. He made me a mermaid princess! Love love love him.

***Incidentally, my husband is also the man behind my banner art. It’s nice to see myself the way he sees me. 🙂

Oh My

I guess by now I should know that these final weeks of school are, at best, insane for the average girl like me. Add to that huge projects like a class museum, making giant set pieces for our musical, taking down my classroom for summer while teaching and parenting and living life…
Breathe… The scenery for the musical got finished tonight and a huge part of the insanity is eradicated!

I built that with five students. Now that it is all put together I’m not surprised that it seemed like such a big job. It WAS a big job! Ha!
Despite the crazy week, I can’t let weightloss warrior week slip by without running my tail off. This week so far I’ve run 7.5 miles. Each day I think I’m going to take it off and just do strength, then I tuck the kids in bed and get really restless and antsy. My brain encourages me to go look in the pantry for a delicious thing, and I barter with the brain and offer a trade- running for a treat after I get back. So off I go, on a trek to earn dessert. The funny thing is each night I’ve come home and skipped the treat. I’m wondering if really I just want to run.
Until tonight, my running times have been improving quite a lot. Tonight I was abysmally slow- 13 minute miles on average! Yesterday I ran just under ten minute miles and the day before I was at 10:30 miles. I pleased. If this is the kind of improvement I’m showing in this short period of time, my times should get better as I keep chugging along. Why do I care? I want the burn and as I lose more weight I burn fewer calories because, as Bradley says, my chassis won’t be quite as heavy.
I realized that I haven’t posted any weights lately. There has been nothing significant… I’ll let you know when things change. Right now I’m vacillating between 235-238. My great desire is to be in the 220’s very soon. 🙂

Another 100

Today I hit 101 accumulated miles ran!

I’m so proud. I never really realized that all of this would add up to a whole hundred miles. I never even would have dreamed to set this as a goal. It shocked me, the first time I noticed my accumulated mileage. I was just putting one foot in front of the other, running one, two, three, four and finally five miles at a go. In my life I have run 102 miles- remember- I ran one once in ninth grade too. Ha!
When I came home from my run I ate this:

And know where I found that delicious bowl of greens? Right here, babies:

I planted my salad garden a few weeks ago and already we are at the point in the summer when we don’t need to buy lettuce. I love the summer garden because it beautifully diversifies my salad bowl. I have rocket, romaine, arugula, spinach, kale and butter leaf. Yum! I’m looking forward to a summer filled with carrots, tomatoes, strawberries, zucchini and cucumbers as well. Cheers for the summer sun making her return!

Back in the Saddle Shoes

I did it!
This morning I rose and shone, made breakfast, tied my sneakers and took off! My big goal was to simply run for a bit. To get my legs back under me. My ultra goal was to finally do a real five mile run. For some reason I feel the need to keep pushing more mileage on myself. I not sure why I want more and more distance under me, but I do. I think it’s just to prove to myself that I CAN. I’m not that person who can barely run twenty steps and then lose her balance and breath all at once anymore. I’m the person who can run for 50 minutes without stopping. I can do it now. AMAZEBALLS.
Today I decided to explore my neighborhood a little farther. I have the little loop- that is a hair under one mile. Big loop is about 1.4 miles. This newest loop was about 3.6. I call it ‘Huge Loop’ since I’m so official with everything… Anyhow, it was really fun just to go explore my neighborhood at my little trot. A few things I noticed:
1. Hills- Hills are a non issue for me now. When I first started running I would gear all of my runs to be as much downhill as possible. Over time I have discovered that I hate going down hills. It hurts my joints! I much prefer running up. I have never ever allowed myself to stop or walk on a hill, so it seems I’m just getting used to them. Today I encountered three new hills – one was long and steeper than I’m used to enduring. I just chugged right up that thing and then kept going. I was pretty amazed by the whole thing.
2. Pacing- today I was alone so I decided to throw speed out the window and just focus on enjoying myself. I listened to my podcast and just cruised. I assumed my miles were in the 11-12 range but when I arrived home my mileage averaged just over 10 minute miles. Unbelievable. Without trying I improved my pace – and I thought I was going slow! Ha ha! Joke’s on me, I suppose.
As I was making my final few blocks home I knew my goal was to hit five miles today. I was so excited! About a block and a half before I got home I checked my Strava and it said I was at five miles. I hooted with happy and kept on. If I wasn’t close enough to five or over a little I was going to continue around the block and shortcut through a park- just to make SURE I got the credit of a five mile run. I assumed I’d be ok… See, the Strava has a tendency to count ahead, I think, then when you save your run it does an official calculation and the mileage can change. Guess what? When I saved my run I got downgraded to a 4.9!!!! Argh! I wish I had kept on one more time around, just to be sure. Now I know. Two weeks in a row, now, this has happened. Booo!

However, I thoroughly enjoyed eating a big bowl of peanut butter smash with blueberries upon my return! Eating with impunity… I love running.
Tomorrow I’m going to do two miles and you won’t believe the milestone that will make me hit!
Run: 10 miles
Actual: 8 miles (not bad with the sick ear)
Abs: meh
Actual: once