
You know how I get all worried about Bradley running slow to stay back with me? You know how I spend all of this time worrying about holding him back? Not that HE ever complains. quite the opposite- he keeps telling me how much he loves to run with me, so he is not the problem at all… Well, yesterday he went for a run without me. I was fine with that. I walked with Jude and had a knee that was talking to me (saying, “Ouch? Maybe?”) so I played it cool and stayed behind. Upon his return he told me he likes running with me better. Why? Because he burns more calories. 😀

HE BURNS MORE CALORIES WHEN HE RUNS WITH ME. I feel vindicated! relieved! It is because I run forever. When he runs a 5K he does it in half the time I do and that results in just a couple calories fewer burnt. I no longer feel guilty AT ALL that I make him run at my fat burning pace. Turns out, it is his fat burning pace too and he hit a huge summer milestone today!
The other thing we tried today was having him run about 30 feet ahead of me. It turns out that when he stays just in front of me or right next to me I get all stressed out that I try to keep up with him in case he says anything and I want to be able to hear him. Of course I also don’t want to hold him back, but I think it’s the listening component that I get overwhelmed with. Staying a good distance away allows me to not feel like I’m drafting him and it allows me to focus a little more deeply on my run and pace rather than keeping up and remaining a polite listener.
Bradley bought me the pink jammies a few years ago. I have always wanted footies and, hey, they were in a size 2X for 6.50. He bought more than one pair and they didn’t fit. I was sad and they didn’t make it back to the store in time so they remained at our house. We were able to unload enough of them so I am down to one pair, and today as we were cleaning out the garage I found these and put them on… They FIT! Woohoo! Watch out school spirit pajama day…
Sometimes it’s the small things. Like footsie jams on a 39 year old woman.
I did a better job on eating whole foods and eating clean today.
Prunes, carrots, chick peas, almonds, tomatoes and celery all made it down the hatch. Way better than yesterday. Score for me!
The vindication is against me, btw, and my silly self sabotaging brain. 🙂