Surprise! 198!

(null)I’ve been surprised by this week. I planned on letting myself take the week off because I predicted a fairly stressful week ahead and didn’t feel the need to add guilt stress of not working out or exhaustion stress for pushing myself too hard. (I had my evaluation on Tuesday and will hear back about it tomorrow…) After Zumba on Tuesday, I ran on the treadmill on Wednesday and tomorrow I’m going back to Zumba with the posse! I’m still sore in my abs from all that thrusting on Tuesday. I had no idea Zumba would do that to me. Anyhow, it was a pretty darn good week! My extra effort showed on the scale, too, with an all-time new low of 198.4! I even hopped on and off a few times to make sure the scale was reading right! Woot woot! That made me feel pretty good!

Bradley texted this picture to me today. It was taken just a little less than four years ago- after I had already started losing weight. Sometimes I forget how far I’ve come and how short of a time ago it was that I lived a very different life. 🙂