This was one of the laziest-stay-at-home weekends we’ve had in ages. I didn’t leave the house except to go into my hot tub. It was that good. Anything I needed, it was here. Food? Fridge. Gym? In the garage. Entertainment? Watch my kids and husband- they are hilarious. And when I was bored of watching their song and dance, I busied myself with cooking, updating my amazon wish list*, sewing rags out of old t-shirts, thinking about Christmas cards and gifts, looking on Pinterest to get an idea of what the elves on our shelf might get up to this season. Wink wink. Like I said, LAZY!
I was a good little exerciser this weekend, even if I was a lazy person who never got dressed in street clothes all weekend. I banked about 17,000 steps (not bad for not leaving the house) and got in about 100 minutes of running done in my glamorous gym/garage. It might not be pretty, but I’m not looking anywhere except the Survivor episode on TV anyhow, and the miles are peeling off under my feet. What a lovely distraction…
Speaking of distractions, there’s this huge pile of leaves near my classroom that I cannot walk by with 25 second graders behind me. Every day I think I’m going to stay on the sidewalk, and then I find myself knee deep in oak tree leaves, throwing them up in the air, squealing and laughing with my students having the best time. I’m loving it and them. I mean, how can I not adore them. Sweetest little kids ever:
Monday’s not looking so bad…
*My Amazon wish list is cracking me up this year. It’s all running and reflective safety gear! LOL! But the coolest thing I found for running? They make hats with holes in them for your pony tail! I am ridiculously excited about this finding. You have no idea.