I posted this picture to my Facebook on Saturday with this caption:
This girl made some seriously lofty goals for the month of February, immediately failed at meeting them and took a major nosedive into Apathyland. I cannnn’t! Waaaah! I hate it! I want to eeeeaaat! More excessive whining and attempting to give up than should be given credence. I ate a lot of chocolate (while also eating clean) and didn’t care too much about working out even a little. I got my steps sometimes, but I whined and complained as I did it. I’m attempting to hit the reset button (again) with an active weekend. Running and training for all those races I paid for. Anyhow, this is me trying to be back. Shouting into the wind that I CAN DO THIS! Time to make some more accessible goals.
I’m trying. I’m fighting anxiety, depression and a pretty intense workload, but I’m trying. I decided to see a mile as a workout. A trip around the block as worthwhile. Babysteps and hopefully I’ll be able to get back into the swing of things.
This post could have been written by me! Sometimes we need to take a much needed break. I call it down time. Sometimes it is just staying home on the sofa just vegging out. I think winter has gotten to me too. Here’s to hitting the restart button