On Mother’s Day Bradley was super amped up to tune up our bikes and ride down to Woodinville, the Chateau St. Michelle winery and the Red Hook Brewery. So we did. We left pretty early and were really lucky. When we were on the trail on the way out, the path was totally clear, not crowded at all or anything. As we arrived at each destination, we didn’t have to wait in lines or anything! Winery tour? Boom. We were in. Lunchtime without reservations? No wait at all. I started feeling like we were pretty clever for doing this biking thing! Then noon hit and everyone got out of the house hit the trail, hit the tours and as we left each place we also left a swarm of families who were waiting a turn to take a tour or get a table. All totaled, round trip, the ride was only about 12 miles. Even at that, though, the ride still did something beautiful for my thighs and they were singing for the rest of the day!
By the way- if you order the nachos at red hook, like Gigi did, you’ll have enough food to feed 4-6 people. Just sayin’.
Yesterday I Zumba’d again. It was the first time I’ve been back to the Tuesday class since joining. There was a different teacher who is somewhat more repetitive than Camille so I was able to follow along a little more cleanly… But I like the boot camp class better. It’s just so fun! Mostly, I’m just really loving the camaraderie among the ladies I’m working out with, but I’m also simply loving the classes. I’m honestly wondering if I might indeed continue taking the dance classes through the summer. There’s all these freebie days where members can bring a friend, and I totally want to make Bradley go with me sometimes. I think he would actually dig it and it would be way fun if he were in the mix, too.