New Running Tights

You can always tell when Bradley thinks I’m extra cute. As I’m running he scampers around and dashes ahead, falls behind and makes appreciative comments all while snapping pictures. I get a huge self esteem boost and awesome pictures for my blog! Sometimes I wonder what the people in cars are thinking though. Ha ha!

It all started because when Bradley was first running years ago he bought a few pairs of navy colored, ankle length running tights. He quickly lost 30 pounds and lost the use of his tights. After I met goal, he encouraged me to try them on and they fit! So I quite accidentally ended up with some new spandex.

Today, again, I made my second best times on both my big loop and home run. My times just keep improving and I’m really happy about that. We went 3.2 miles today in the pouring down rain. By the time we got home we were both billowing steam and dripping rain water and sweat!
Tomorrow I’m running with Rhiann again so I’m off and running. Oh, by the way, I breezed on past 225, skipped 224 and have landed comfortably in the 223’s. Things are going swimmingly!
