A Hot Dog, Some Bon-bons, A Large Soda and Some Tacos to Go
I don’t want to say this so I will: I need to get more serious about my food. I’m letting so much slide down my throat lately that I think I’m building up some bad habits that are going to be hard to break. For example: tonight my daughter made tacos. I ate one taco, then a second taco, then I had to sample her seven layer dip that she also made. It was so good that I had about 12 chips-worth (because it is intended to be eaten on chips, right!?) and followed it up with a cookie. And a bite of ice cream. And a promise of an ice cream cone later. As I was hanging out with my full-of-tacos-stomach, thinking about the ice cream cone that is lurking in my near future, I realized that I’ve got to get this in control. I’m trying to figure out how much time needs to pass before it is reasonable to have the ice cream. I don’t have room for it in my stomach but I still want it. How silly is that?! And hullo, binge behavior! I know you well! Crap. Not a good thing… That said, I know that I like to take things slow, so I’m thinking that I’ll get the exercise habit going this week and next week I’ll tackle the nutrition with some solid journaling. Actually, I think I’ll start journaling tomorrow, if only to learn what I’m really consuming in comparison to my working out. I think I’m probably doing better than I think I am, but my weight is still up over 200 (203 this morning) so, no matter what, I know there’s some food issues happening. Journaling my nutrition will only give clarity to the dark places.
Speaking of working out, I am on point for it this week! Today we did a walk-run. I was planning on a short, two-miler or so, but Bradley asked to come so I decided to make it a 5k, thinking he wanted a solid workout. After about a mile his knee started acting up, so he walked and I ran back and forth to him, around him, up a side street and back to him as we made our way home. I was cranky when we left and by the time we got back home everything was all good again. I had planned to start Zumba in earnest again but noticed that as soon as I went to a class my lower back started hurting again. As much as I love Zumba, I’m not sure it’s my thing as much as I want it to be, so tomorrow I think I’ll stick with running, again, except this time I’ll make Gigi run with me!
Title reference? Didja get it?