She Did It!

I did it! I did it! Funny how just last night I was feeling all guilty about possibly wearing the boots prematurely. Then I hopped on the scale this morning and saw 225. For a second I even saw 224.6, so I decided that its good enough for me. I met my goal! Woot woot!

My next goal is to hit 200 by Jude’s birthday. That’s 25 pounds in six months. I think I should be able to do it, hopefully even beat the goal, but I want to make sure I don’t put too much pressure on myself by making an unreachable goal. I need to think up an awesome prize to reach for. That said, while the boots were nice to get, I’m more happy just with the accomplishment of having met the goal. I’ve never been this successful with losing weight. It’s thrilling to finally be doing it.
Last night after I got home I was really happy. Like, really happy. I rarely go out and do anything like that so it was an extra big treat to spend an evening among new adult type people… If you know what I mean.
But then I got home, the lights went out, Bradley rolled to his side, crashed out, I was alone with my thoughts and my mind wouldn’t shut up. As if to counterbalance the wonderful evening, my brain went into anxiety overdrive mode and started worrying about, well, anything it could come up with: I have a meeting at work on Friday that I’m over processing. I told silly jokes at the table- good or bad thing? Asking myself if I’m I too tough on my own kids, if am I doing a good job in my classroom? I’m being observed next week for my first evaluation of the year… Oh my gosh it’s 2:00… 3:00… 4:00… Crap. Almost time to rise and shine and get ready…
A few years ago there was an incident that followed a night of little sleep and massive anxiety all night that I decided to go ahead and push through and go to work. The result was me having a full-blown panic attack and crying in a meeting with school district officials and a table full of my colleagues. Talk about learning the meaning of humility, asking them to turn a blind eye to my tears that just would not stop.
I called for a sub this morning at 5:AM, after a few measly moments drowsing before my brain jerked me awake with the realization that I was dropping off to sleep, and hopped in my car. I reached my school at about 5:45 where I put together a really fabulous day for my students. Seriously, there is good learning happening there. When I returned home, at last my exhaustion was able to offer enough drowsiness to muster a few hours of sleep, then I woke up to deal with more anxiety and panic attacks all day. At this writing, it’s 5:00 at night and I already feel like I could crawl in bed for the night. Hopefully I won’t worry all night tonight too.
I associate a lot of my mood swings and anxiety with my cycles. I’m in PMS mode now and, after losing seven pounds over the past few weeks, I’ve certainly released some of the toxins that get stored in fat. I asked a friend of mine, who is versed in the ways of women’s anatomy, if weightloss and the shedding of the toxins and excess hormones that are stored in fat do impact a woman’s mood swings during her cycle, and she said definitely, yes. So I think that has a lot to do with all of this craziness. It will be nice when I’m done losing the weight so I don’t have to put my family (or me) through this every month.
I’ve also noticed my weightloss patterns are changing. Warrior week doesn’t seem quite as important as it once did. I lose weight pretty easily (as long as I stick to my plans) all month long now. Its funny that I’m having an easier time losing weight the smaller it get. PCOS really had a strong grip on me for a really long time. It’s good to be in control.

Arms Race!

Looking forward to September has me shaking in my boots a little bit. I have faith that within the new school year will also be time to run, work out, lift weights and all that. I know it’s possible because I did it last spring, but new beginnings can throw me for a loop. I decided to throw myself a little challenge in September, just to keep my momentum moving forward. I’m making an arms challenge for myself.
What does that mean? Essentially it means that I’m going to focus my lifting efforts on my arms in hopes of making a difference in the next thirty days.
Here’s where I’m starting:


At this point I’m not sure if I want them to shrink or grow. What I do hope for is better definition and for flab to hit the road! I know some jiggle and wiggle, batwing-style magic will always remain, but I feel like if I put some sweat effort into my arms they will at least look tighter than they could.
Here’s where I was this last spring, when I started paying attention to my arms:

Ok, I’m sure you’re feeling a little bit overexposed to my arm and, lefts face it, my armpit. It just comes with the territory.
If you’re interested in participating in my arms race, take a picture today and store it away someplace. By October 5th, have another snapshot taken, create an email with your before and after, have it in my inbox and I’ll hang your picture with mine!

Robots and Diet

Mmmkay. So, I’m not on the wagon very much right now.
Right now I’m exercising plenty. I’m serious! I was on the elliptical for an hour today, still doing the weights (yeah, Bowflex!) and I’m running pretty much every day.
But my food?
Laws have mercy!
It’s not that I’m doing that bad even, if I’m perfectly honest. I’m hitting right at my calories, then BOOM! Ice cream? Sure, I could go for some ice cream! S’more? Why, yes, I’d love one! I have this policy of letting myself have the treats in moderation, but lately I want treats ALL THE TIME and they are tipping me over the edge from losing to maintenance mode. PMS definitely has something to do with it, but so does my determination.
I’ve not been behaving like a person who is determined to lose weight. Ive been behaving like a seasoned dieter who is tired of the diet. That is not going to work. I’ve been buying into the myth that I’m losing weight and getting healthy, but really I’m just stalling. It takes two activities for me to lose weight- restricted calories and exercise with more exercise after I’m done exercising. I’ve been going like crazy with the exercise and letting the diet go because I think I can just run/lift/walk/ride it off. Obviously I’m working it off, but only enough to maintain. I need to be a good kid again. I need to start hitting the 1500 mark consistently again.
I’m so looking forward to returning to work next week for one reason- scheduled food times. Snacking is a non-issue for me at school. In fact, sometimes I even forget to eat while I’m there. Here at home I want to eat every time I’m near the kitchen and since our kitchen is central to our open floor plan, I’m always wanting a snack. Sheesh! I just want my boots! Go away seven pounds!!!!!!
Here is my adorable son because I have no pictures of anything relevant to put up here today. Enjoy!

I think of diet as what I eat. Not ‘a diet.’ I’m not on a diet, but my diet is full of food. You get it. I just wanted to make that clear.


A few weeks ago I let it drop that for my birthday I’d like to turn our garage into a gym with a treadmill. Maybe some other machine too, but after all this heat this summer my nice, cool garage on at 85 degree run day sounded really nice. I was planning ahead.
My darling husband quickly scrapped his dream of parking our car in the garage and started hunting on Craigslist for solid exercise machines. We needed to take into account that these weren’t going to be glorified clothing storage units, that we are big, tall people (I’m a hair under 5’10” and he’s 6’2″) with long legs and we were planning to RUN on the treadmill. Believe it or not, most treadmills are really just made for walking.

Well, our garage is nowhere near ready, but people are moving and clearing out their gear! We picked this elliptical machine up last week and, I’m telling you, it is a workout! Both Bradley and I have been spending about thirty minutes per day on it in addition to running. I didn’t think about how buying a new machine would extend my workout in a diverse and different kind of way. It is in our living room, for now, and I like it there. It looks at me and I think nothing of hopping on for ten minutes every now and then to burn a few calories.
After buying this machine we got to try a few models out at the hotel this weekend. I’m pleased to say that I love our machine. It has a bigger glide for taller people; the range of motion on the others was small and cramped feeling.
*this picture is hilarious to me. I hopped on the elliptical today, determined to get a picture of myself on it, but I had just returned from a run and the sweat was running into my eyes so bad that I couldn’t open them! Ha!

Yesterday we went and picked up this Bowflex from some people who just sold their house and needed it out NOW! It’s a resistance machine and it definitely seems different from the free weights so we are keeping those around. This thing is huge and, as our garage is not ready, it is in my kids’ rumpus room taking over!
You know how you don’t really realize how weak you are until you strain something? Ahem. That is so me on this thing. I’ve been a super good kid doing arms, legs, butt and gut, but this thing makes my neck and shoulders aware that they’re super weak. I find it very interesting that all of those bothersome, persistent, crampy, achy spots on my body are actually just places that are extraordinarily weak*. I’m presently on the lowest settings on the Bowflex and it is definitely a workout.
$$$Price tag for all of this craziness? $125 for the Bowflex and $150 for the elliptical all bought on Craigslist. A few years back we paid about 100 for the exercise bike on craigslist as well. We pretty much have a gym now! Ha! As long as we are using it, I’m thrilled as anything to own it. Our kids love it too, and, most importantly, we are keeping moving!
Oh, and regarding the treadmill? We are still looking for one that will support us that is in good working order. I think we will have to pay out a little more for this machine. I also want one of those stair climbers to build my thighs into chicken drumsticks, I suppose…
*I’d like to note that after carrying up to 340 pounds around and becoming a runner my legs are built up like crazy. The highest setting for legs and calves is not super easy, but it’s not hard either!

Ice Caves

Hike to Ice Caves



It must be said that this was pretty much a holy experience for me. I don’t know why, but walking up the side of a mountain gives me tremendous pleasure, a feeling of connectedness, a sense of awe. I just marvel at this amazing world I get to live in.

Boots and Summer Goals

Way back in June I wrote the following list of goals. I started wondering how I was doing on them. Turns out, I’m not doing stupendously well!
This summer I want to…
– End with my weight in the 220′s
– Run an average of four runs per week
– Hike to the ice caves (and other hikes too)
– Go dancing at Neighbors (our favorite from our 20′s) with an old friend
– Go back to naked spa
Be a good kid with my food but balance the yummy stuff in too
Get stronger by using my weights an average of 3 times per week
– Clean my kids’ rooms
Weed out my too-big clothes! They are everywhere!
kiss the babies and the hubs lots
Relax, laugh & have fun!
The crossed out ones are accomplished…
*I am not in the 220’s. Part of me is super peeved about this, the other part of me is cool with it. In September, my school/work days will force me to schedule things a little better. That said, I’m doing well today and plan to continue to do well for the remainder of the summer. I still have two weeks. That is plenty of time to lose three pounds if I just pony up and do it. Determination…
*I’m at an average of three runs per week. I see that changing, though, since vacations and craziness is all over.
*The ice caves hike has been pared down by the parks service to a 1/4 mile * walk each direction. Because it’s such an easy hike now I’ve not been very interested in driving the hour to get to the trailhead. Isn’t that terrible? I decided the other day to plan it along with another short hike in the area so I’ll still get a good workout in. * I don’t know where I saw that- it’s an easy mile each way.
*My going-out buddy has been struggling too much with her depression so Neighbors wasnt going to work anymore. I substituted a teacher’s night out and a future celebration with a friend of mine who just got hired AND engaged. It’s not Neighbors, but it is going out and that was the whole point!
*There just never seemed time to go back to the spa. Sigh… Plus, I just like my family so much! It’s hard to leave them when I know I have to leave them every day for work in just a couple of weeks.
*My kids did a surprisingly good job cleaning their own rooms without my help! All the training has paid off! Could we be entering a new era? I hope so!
Guess what showed up at my door last week??? Here’s more motivation to end the summer at 225:

20130812-133218.jpg was having some pretty awesome prices on wide calf boots and I took advantage. Remember how I was supposed to get ONE pair of boots? Ha ha ha! Yeah. I saw way more than one pair for my wide-calved, clown feet. They are beautiful and I need to lose seven pounds stat so I can wear them this fall!
*Interesting note- I think I will forever be a wide-calved girl. I notice that skinny jeans are always tight on my calves and as I keep getting fitter and smaller, my calves remain the same. I think being a bigger girl who has always been active compounded by my running means I’m just going to have cantaloupes back there for life. I’m cool with that. 🙂

Saving Myself

Running heart rate
Today I went on my big ole lazy run. We just ran a nice and easy 2.5. I took it slow, as usual, and paid extra special attention to my body, the overheating and all that.* At one point I realized that, while I was sweating up a storm, I wasn’t breathing all that hard. I stopped and took my heart rate only to discover I was at 110. Another time I was at 99. My heart rate was ridiculously slow or my counting was way off.
It put some things in perspective though- my fitness is better than I give myself credit for. I think I have to run sloooow, and sometimes I do. But more importantly is for me to pay attention to my body and run fast when it feels right and slow down when it feels right. Clearly I could/should have pushed myself harder today! When I got home and cooled off I spent some time online looking at data.
First I researched my BMR- my base metabolic rate. I found out I’m on the upper end of the 1700’s. BMR stands for base metabolic rate and is, essentially, the number of calories you would need to sustain your living form if you were completely resting. Like in a coma or sleeping. Then I added my activity level and discovered I need about 2500 calories to sustain myself WITH activity, including exercise. So, to lose the weight I need to be eating less than that. Done.
But I also want to build muscle. I’ve written about my desire to pump up a little as an effort to fill in my baggy skin. Some muscular thighs could be nice, some strong biceps… Don’t worry. I’m a realist! Anyhow, I spent time today researching how to be a vegetarian muscle builder. Thing one they said was to eat complex carbs and protein with two fists of vegetables in every meal. So I suppose that’s a new goal. Tofu, nut butters, eggs and lots of quinoa and brown rice were suggested. The one thing all the sites said was that muscle definition is built in the kitchen, not the gym. I need to take my eating way more seriously. I’m going to try to plan meals in advance and do as much prep as possible to avoid looking for something to eat- the something will already be prepped and ready!
The other thing they said online was to do cardio, yes, for 30 minutes or so 3-4 times a week but focus a lot on the muscle building for 30-45 minutes per day 4 or more times a week. So the cardio is just to get warm and rolling, the anaerobic should be the focus, according to them.
I’m not saying I’m going to follow this to the T in any way, it just serves to show that I need to definitely do more weights and focus less on so much cardio. Today I ran for 45 minutes and rode my stationary cycle for 40. Not bad, but I did no weights…
To that end, Ive made a new goal to do 10 crunches per day. I know, measly, right? The idea is to make sure I have a minimum goal and if I’m totally being a lazy bum I can just do the 10. But my hope is that I will decide as long as I’m down there I might as well make it worth my while. 😉
To blog or not to blog…
I’m feeling a little lost in this space right now. Perhaps my own motivation and determination are running low, but sometimes I sit here late at night wondering why I’m putting all this out here. Why I’m baring my everything to everyone who cares to look. I guess I’m feeling vulnerable and am wondering if this is smart or worthwhile.
Yes, I know the answer to that. I personally get a lot out of processing. Maybe I’m just not being as honest as I want to be.
(Okay, I ate four of those ridiculously yummy m+m cookies today and that is not a unique experience for me during the summer. I am often heard saying, “I just don’t lose weight well in the summer.” I worry that I’m buying into that myth, though, and really I just need to get my ass in gear and lose the final seven flipping pounds for my forty before forty. It’s hard to own those things aloud to the general public. I’m trying to be Wonder Woman – well, Tamara Shazam, really- and feel like I’m falling short here.)
*We are headed to the ocean in a few days and I realized I have to run with my compression tanks on or suffer the consequence of a rashy fat crease in a bikini. I don’t need more things to feel self conscious about so I decided to wear the tank during my runs for the next couple of days.


We’re heading out to go camping fairly soon and as I announced this to my kids I also asked if we should make anything special for the trip. My son asked to make cookies… With M+M’s!
I pondered this a bit. My purpose in asking if there were any treats or special things on the trip was to kind of be in control. I know there’s going to be junk- it’s camping. But I’m thinking it doesn’t have to be overly junky. So a batch of cookies makes perfect sense as the thing to bring to treat ourselves with. My smartie pants daughter killed two birds with one stone by saying we can use them for s’mores too.
Anyhow, justifying m+m’s was hard for me so I made a bargain with my son: we could make cookies with m+m’s in them if we walked to the store to buy them. Kind of to strike the balance between the caloric cost and the exercise. He agreed, which shocked me, and within 30 minutes we were headed out the door, hand in hand.

It was so sweet, to chat with my boy as he collected flowers, leaves, feathers and other treasures. I taught him about helicopters, the seeds from maple trees that twirl around as gravity pulls them to the ground and I got to see him being his Daddy, saying hello to any person he happened by. At Starbucks he engaged the barista in a lengthy conversation about his favorite Adventuretime characters (favorite hero: Jake, favorite baddie: Ice King) and after using the nastiest bathroom ever I heard him cackle and chortle over the horrible jokes that just kept rolling off his tongue. Lovely.
Three miles later, the cookies got made, tasted and are going in the freezer in the morning. Cookies are a weakness of mine and I cannot have them sitting out. I will eat them all. Especially these ones; they’re so yummy!
I was talking with Bradley about how I really need to kick things into gear. There’s no good reason why I am stagnating except my poor choices. I keep hitting just a little over my caloric intake and I’m in maintenance mode. Coupled with me not making the best choices (lots of carbs lately, not so many fruits or veggies) means that I am just not losing no matter how much I exercise.
My goal as of this very moment is to make better choices for my body nutritionally. More fiber, more fruit, more veggies. I think I need to go to the store to load up. I did discover prunes recently, i think they are so good (I’m surprised too)! Presently in our kitchen we are at one apple, one bag of carrots and one bunch of celery. Lettuce in the garden, onions in the pantry. I want a variety of fruits, some broccoli, mushrooms and peppers! Then we can get fancy.



Today we headed out for the first time in a week. A WEEK! It felt really good. I asked to do the giant loop so off we went. I had grand ideas of a five mile run, but the mile back to the house is just a huge, long hill. It isn’t steep, it just goes on and on and on… When I was about 1/4 a mile from the house I did something I have never done before- I decided to call the run early.
As we kept running, I lost my breath and couldn’t get it back and I started to panic. Bradley gently prompted me to continue, offering a break, a walking moment, a shorter second loop, but I wasn’t having it. I adamantly decided to stop when we got home. At this point I was freaking out, when suddenly I caught one breath, then another.
Looking back, I should have sat on the porch, caught my breath and headed back out. I don’t know why I didn’t, except that I’m stubborn and silly. I had a really nice run. Bradley caught this:

It just seemed sweet. 🙂
Along with running, I’m recommitting to my diet. While I’m staying right around my calories, I’ve been way more forgiving of myself lately. I’ve decided to start journaling again to have the accountability. It’s a good way to get my summer going right and get my diet back on the losing side of things!