So far, I’M DOING IT!
I wanted to start running more. Well, today I ran three miles and walked one mile-that last one was up a huge hill. Then, as if that wasn’t enough, I went out with the dog and the kids later for another mile!
Yesterday I brought my best too! I ran three and walked one then, too, hill and all. I’m doing it! I’m running and walking and being all active again and it feels good to realize that I still can. I’m crazy sore, my knees hurt, my hips hurt and my thighs are burning, but all in the best possible ways. I’m sore and it hurts so good! I wanted to kind of boot camp my booty back into gear, and it seems like it’s working so far! Color me happy.
And check this out:
That’s right! I journaled my food today! I know, I’m such a good kid, right?!?! I discovered that I’ve been going waaaay over my calorie limits because I haven’t been exercising. No wonder I weigh, gulp, 211 right now. I’ve been eating like I’ve been exercising 900 calories of energy out every day when, truth be told, I’ve been binge watching The Office on Netflix and only making about 6000 steps per day.
I’m glad I decided to journal, too, as it made me very thoughtful all day. I was hyper aware of everything I put in my mouth because I was going to have to document it. I know that at this time last year I was almost obsessive about my intake so I had to back off on the journaling, but right now I think this is a really good thing. I think I’ll try to keep up with it all week in hopes that it will alter my habits for the better. Perhaps I should just make it regular habit for a while… Not a bad idea… Perhaps.
I’m feeling good. Strong again. It’s amazing what some extra sleep, a little exercise and a day of solid eating will do for a girl. Spring Break sure has done me good so far!
Thanks for the post, Tamara. Very inspirational – I’ve fallen off the regular gym date early in the morning train – hope to get back on before I lose all the momentum. your post is encouraging!!
June, you are such an amazing support for me. Thank you for all of your kind comments. Together, we will scale this mountain! I’m feeling more in the grain of things today and it feels pretty darn good. Keep me posted on your progress.