Spring Break! Wahoo! Right?
I’m a teacher and teachers have to renew their certificates often and this break that is what I’m doing. It’s not a big deal, but I’m resentful about doing it so I’m really struggling with the process. It’s three loooong papers justifying my teaching practices. So this break I am sitting on my rear end typing typing typing. You may have noticed my lack of enthusiasm about this.
However, I’m not a snacker when I work. I can’t have anything distracting around otherwise I get nothing done. So my calories have been easily maintained.
And I’m always looking for an excuse to stop. Body break? Wii Fit is perfect for that! Add in a couple of walks with some running intervals and I’m meeting my exercise needs as well.
Plus, not a drop of anything to drink that is not just pure water.
So, while I’m not thrilled with my vacation activity, I am more than ok with the nutrition and exercise plan!