It’s as if My Body Wants It
It surprises me how quickly my body takes to getting in shape. When I think about it, I have been walking on and off since September. I started with short walks. I teased myself with meandering along, stopping to smell the flowers and tumble in the grass with kids. It was fun and it made me reconnect with our tradition of frequent family walks.
Except… I wasn’t all that dedicated or determined. I allowed motivation to rule my exercise so I would go one week at full speed, walking daily, then two rainy weeks would go by when I’d skip the walk. In January I started a daily exercise regime, rain or shine, no excuses. I either walked briskly outside for 20 (for the first weeks) to 30 minutes or I’d ride my stationary bike. Then I hit that inspiration moment and took off at the end of January with all of my horses rearing! Now, midway through February I’m running down the road, blocks at a time, trying to catch a glimpse of myself in the plate glass windows of the houses to make sure this is really me! Is it??? LOL
Then, a week ago, I found myself at nine o’ clock at night, after I had tucked the kids in, on my yoga mat doing crunches, weights and leaning against the wall pushing up. The next night the same. And after that? Yup. It is part of my regime now too and even more than that? I am on pinterest all of the time looking at workouts for specific body zones and I’m downloading running and yoga apps to help guide my fitness. What has gotten into me? (Determination!)
It’s as though my body is made to be healthy, fit and capable. Like it wants me to jog and run and ride and play. Imagine that.